Saturday, December 6, 2008

Angel Tree

Well, Christmas is upon us, and we've heard the old saying..."It's better to give than to receive." I just wanted to take this time and brag about the students and staff of the school I teach at: Zundy Jr. High.

I'm over the student council, and once again, we teamed up with the Teachers Credit Union and took on a project called, The Angel Tree. I'm sure you've all heard of this, but for those that haven't, it's a project that takes on CPS and kids in foster care. These kids are in a very unfortunate situation, and it's certainly NOT what they've asked for!

I introduced the program to our school, and my principal gave me the OK to pursue it. The student council members and myself went and decorated the Christmas tree at both branches and began taking up donations from the entire school. I'm so PROUD to say that our school raised $2300.00, and I'm taking 7 of our 8th grade student council members to the credit union Monday to present them the check!!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was/am to be a part of a caring and giving school as Zundy!! If it wasn't for them, some of these kids probably wouldn't have a chance to know what a Merry Christmas is all about. I can honestly say that it IS more blessed to give than receive!


Gene Holley said...

Congratulations! This is awesome and the joy of a real Christmas.

Lynda said...


Linda Elms said...

WOW! You're to be commended and the children given special recognition for "giving of themselves" to help others in need. I'm proud of you and them! Love you!

Michelle said...

Wow, this is so wonderful!