Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Gratitude

I just love a challenge, and this past week my pastor challenged (or I guess you might say encouraged us) to let someone in our life know what they really mean to us. I must say it didn't take me long to know who I would choose because this lady has been an inspiration to me for many years....Joann Holley. I sent her a card Wednesday, but I also wanted to dedicate this post to her.

Sis. Joann, I can't even begin to tell you what a fine Christian lady you are. I'll never forget when I was around 14 years old, I was struggling with that inner tug-of-war wondering if I really wanted to live for God or the world. Your words of kindness, encouragement, and love made such an impact on me that I knew I wanted to be just like you. Everyone that knows you can see that you're true-blue all the way. I've always admired you and thought of you as a mentor in my life. If there's anyone I want to pattern my life after, it's YOU!! Thank you for being my friend and inspiration. I LOVE YOU!!


Keith and Carla said...

I agree, Janet! She is one incredible lady that I am blessed to call "Aunt."