Sunday, December 14, 2008


I know that Christmas should be "Tis the season to be jolly," but I witnessed something Wednesday in my class that brought tears to my eyes. I heard something that I guess I'll never forget!

Last week my 7th graders took the district Writing TAKS benchmark test and did an awesome job!! I had a 96% passing rate, and I'm so proud of my students! Well, because of their efforts, I gave them a free day and allowed them to bring snacks. They were so excited, but I noticed that one of my students, Ryan, had nothing. Now, you have to know Ryan. He's a shy, timid young man and appears to be a loner, but I really never thought much about it, especially since a lot of guys aren't as outgoing as the girls are.

I asked Ryan if he forgot his snacks, and he really didn't have an answer for me. I asked him if he would like to call his mom and dad to see if they could bring him something, and his answer hit me square between the eyes!! He said, "Mrs. Anglin, my mom and dad can't bring me anything because they are both in jail." I was totally shocked and wanted to evaporate into thin air!!

I quickly found my heartbeat again and asked him who he lived with. He told me that he lives with his grandmother, but she was unable to bring him anything. I wanted to cry my eyes out, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything. I gave him some bottled water, candybars, and some chips, and he was soooo thankful.

This incident made me stop and think about all the kids that walk the halls of our school and hurt so deeply inside. I've thought many times of Ryan over the course of my weekend and say a prayer for him. Please pray for our students that they may come to know that Jesus loves them no matter what their situation is. I pray that I can be the example that Ryan needs for today and the future!


Keith and Carla said...

How terribly sad, but what an opportunity for you! I will keep Ryan and you in my prayers.

janet anglin said...

Thanks, Carla. He such a sweet young man, and I would love for his life to go down the right path!

Linda Elms said...

Sis. Janet, God knew he needed you for his teacher! You are a bright light in his darkness. Love you!

Michelle said...

Oh this is heartbreaking! I'll will be keeping him in my prayers.