Friday, May 16, 2008

The Countdown

Well, it's the countdown now until this school year is OVER!! I've had a great year, and I love teaching Jr. High. I know some people think I'm pretty strange, but I enjoy it. However, it's now time for a break and some much-needed rest! We have 8 1/2 school days left, and then I can sleep in as late as I want, shop as long as I want, etc. Our vacation, however, has been put on hold until we vote in a new pastor. With Harden being a board member (please pray for our board), we know we need to be here and not out of town. I am planning a trip to Florida June 23-28 to see my mom, which I'm very excited about. I know it's only Monday-Saturday, but Harden feels (and I do, too) like I need to be here on a Sunday to hear the ministers that are trying out. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to school being OUT!!


Keith and Carla said...

I'm looking forward to school being out, also!!! I think the teachers enjoy their time off as much, if not more, than the kids. Enjoy your vacation! Life Tab is in our prayers. Love you!