Monday, February 9, 2009

The Heart

This month has been set aside as "Know Your Heart Month". Many articles in the paper, on the radio, and even in emails that we receive tell us what to do in case of a heart attack. More important, it cautions us what to eat, how to exercise, and basically, how to take care of our heart. I've found this information to be quite interesting because I am getting older, and I need to know what to do to prevent a heart attack happening to me or Harden.

What really touched my spirit is we go to great lengths to take care of the physical heart, but what about our spiritual heart? Is it overflowing with bad attitudes, jealousy, or bitterness? God woke me up the other night with this thought, and I must admit, it sent me to my knees!!

We can't be lost! We must gird up the loins of our mind and have a pure heart before the Lord. He's coming after a bride that is SPOTLESS and clean. I couldn't go back to sleep again until I earnestly prayed, "Lord create within me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me!!"


Gene Holley said...

Great thought and sobering. We MUST do this daily. Ultimate transparency with the One Who can read our heart is the only way we can be truly honest with ourselves. I pray that the Lord continues to deal with our hearts in this way.

Linda Elms said...