Monday, June 9, 2008

What Can I Say?

What can I say, but that I'm thrilled beyond measure to have the Holley's as my pastor! This makes the third time I've been through this, and I can honestly say that the excitement I feel is almost too much to contain. I grew up with Bro. W.R .Holley as my pastor, and he was incredible!!! I can only imagine what another Bro. Holley will mean to me. I never dreamed in a million years that this little toddler I saw grow up into a fine man of God would eventually be my pastor, but I'm honored. I have so many memories of Bro. Gene and Sis. Karla, and I'm looking forward to many more! They are WONDERFUL in everyway. It's so neat to see the legacy go on from here. I'm excited for my new pastor and his family to get here and see what God has in store for us.


Gene Holley said...

Thank you for your kind words. We are so looking forward to being there!

Karla said...

We are excited and can't wait to get there!

Keith and Carla said...

God has chosen well for Wichita Falls! I, too, am so excited about another "Holley" being the pastor of my home church. Looking forward to hearing about more great happenings!