Wednesday, April 23, 2008

20-20 at Last

Many of you know that I had to have cataract surgery on both eyes, and I'm very happy to announce that I am now 20-20 in both eyes!! I don't think I've ever had 20-20 vision. I wore glasses as a young person and eventually got contacts and wore them for around 18 years. I now no longer have to wear my contacts, and for that I say a resounding, "PRAISE THE LORD"! It got to the point that I couldn't even read the Sonic sign or street signs. My doctor told me that it was finally time to remove the cataracts. I'm extremely pleased with the results and would gladly do it over again. I guess this is just another sign that I'm getting OLD!


Keith and Carla said...

Janet, you're not old enough to have cataracts! Dad turned 73 this past November, and he just had one removed. He doesn't have to wear glasses except when he's reading.

Glad you can see better and don't have to wear glasses!!!

Karen Prince said...

Cool! Crystal Lenses? I am sorry you had to go thru surgery, but you won't have to worry about your eyesight again. I didn't know you had cataracts though. You are too young for that!!! Kenny had lasik done in '98, but now he has to wear "readers"! I have been noticing myself adjusting things to read close up! UGH! I AM getting old. LOL

janet anglin said...

Carla & Karen: It was a total shock to me as well! I told the doctor the same thing...I'm too young to have cataracts!! To this day I don't know how I ever developed them, but I sure did. I, too, have to wear readers, but I had to wear them when I wore contacts, so I was used to them. I'm loving my new eyesight!

Gene Holley said...

It is awful getting old! I'm glad you are seeing so much better. The other night we were playing "Catch Phrase" with some young people at our house and I could hardly see the words in that little window. It just is not right to have to pull out little glasses in the middle of the game!!!! LOL!